Information for People with Disabilities

The University Library is committed to providing equal access to its resources and services to all SSU students, faculty and staff, regardless of ability. Library users with disabilities who wish to identify themselves as such may request services at any service desk. Extensive instruction or services may require an appointment.

Library Resources

We work closely with our vendors to provide e-resources that are accessible, whenever possible. Ask at the Information/Checkout Desk for assistance using these resources.

The Library subscribes to more than 100 different databases, including 30,000 or so e-journals, and 25,000 ebooks. Most can be used with screen readers, can be magnified, include alternate text for images, and captioned video.

Articles that are provided in PDF may or may not be readable by text readers, depending on how they were originally created. You will need a PDF viewer such as Acrobat Reader or Preview to view PDFs.

SSU students may access OneSearch and the articles and databases from off-campus. You must have a current Seawolf ID and password.

Library Website

The Library has been a leader for many years in providing accessible and 508-compliant web pages. There are a few exceptions due to specialized services where the vendor does not provide accessible code. In those cases we are evaluating alternatives, with the goal of having all library web services accessible.


Media materials, such as DVDs, are purchased with closed captions whenever available.

You can browse a list of captioned DVDs and videos, or search OneSearch for a list of captioned DVDs and videos, by doing a keyword search for the phrase "Video recordings for the hearing impaired."

Printed Materials

Magnifiers and scanners are available. If you need an entire book scanned, contact DSS at