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Amanda Burke

Smiling woman, holding a decorated diploma container.
Amanda Burke

What is your favorite book, eBook, DVD, or music score?

Decade of The Wolf by Douglas W. Smith & Gary Ferguson (book).

Why did you choose this item to share with the library?

I chose this book because I read it in my senior seminar course. The course was on the topics of restoration and society. The book was a story of the reintroduction of thirty-one Canadian wolves into Yellowstone National Park in the 20th-century. It is significant to my academia because I learned about policy, science, and society. I also learned about identity entirely. This could be wolves’, the school, or even the entire nation. I gained introspection on these topics and now I can apply it to everyday life.

What is your major?

My major is Geography, Environment, and Planning with a concentration in Sustainable Communities.

What was the most memorable/useful thing about working in the library?

The most memorable thing about working in the library was that I gained better social interactive skills because the job as an SA requires it.  It is beneficial to have good social skills because you will be better equipped to work with a lot of people.

What advice would you give to incoming SSU (e.g., freshman) students?

STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! While it is fun to hang out with your friends, there is also a balance between studying and celebrating. Most of all, enjoy the experience while you can. Once you are out in the “real world”, there is no going back.

What is next for you?

Currently, I have two jobs lined up with the City of San Jose. One is a Library Aide position and the other is an Environmental Services Internship. Also, I am applying to graduate school in 2023 for my master’s degree in Environmental Management.