Computer Use Policy

The Sonoma State University Library makes its computing resources available to the faculty, students, and other members of the University community, including students enrolled at the Technology High School, and other CSU campuses, in order to support the mission of the University to aid the completion of academic requirements and to promote scholarship and assist academic research.

In order to steward Library computing resources for the University community, behavior regarded as disruptive to other users, faculty or staff of the Library is considered unacceptable use of Library resources and violators may be asked to vacate the building. Library staff may ask for verification of enrollment or employment at any time to enforce appropriate use and maintain availability for the campus.

Users of electronic information, including parents of children under the age of 18, are urged in their own interest to review and understand the contents of this policy. In addition to the University Library's acceptable use standards listed below, all Internet use on campus is governed by the California State University CalREN Acceptable Use Policy.

Appropriate Access and Use

The first priority for SSU Library computer usage is to provide access to information resources that support the learning, scholarship, and research of its students and faculty.

Second priority is the support of other types of use that either directly or indirectly support the educational, research and service missions of the University. Reasonable and limited personal communication falls within this category.

Third and lowest priority is given to recreational use by individuals affiliated with SSU, including generalized use of the Internet insofar as such use is of an incidental nature and does not place a burdensome load on resources. Authorized academic use of computing resources by the general public may also be considered appropriate on a case-by-case basis.

Commercial use is strictly forbidden.

Any use of library resources that is in violation of copyright and all other laws of the USA, California, Sonoma County, or Rohnert Park is expressly prohibited.

The Library reserves the right to monitor and check computers for inappropriate use.

General standards of appropriate use include:

  • Responsible use of resources of the Library or the University by authorized students, faculty and staff;
  • Behavior consistent with the mission of the University,
  • Respect for the principles of open expression and free access to information,
  • Respect for intellectual property rights,
  • Compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and university policies,
  • Honesty in the use of personal and student identification numbers,
  • Behavior consistent with the security and privacy of electronic networks and data.

Examples of inappropriate use include (but are not limited to):

  • Monopolizing computer resources, i.e., an individual using more than one computer at a time or spending an inordinate amount of time on a computer.
  • Installing software unless specifically approved by library staff.
  • Attempting to bypass system restrictions or tampering with system files or applications. Unauthorized access to system files.
  • Attempting to disrupt the integrity of the system.
  • Violating federal or state laws. Violating Library and University regulations or policies.
  • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials.
  • Using computers for commercial use.
  • Wasting or overloading computer resources.
  • Damaging or defacing any computer hardware or software.
  • Recreational or non-academic use of computing resources by individuals unaffiliated with SSU or the CSU System (i.e. 'gaming', Facebook, IMing, etc.).
  • Monopolizing computer support resources, e.g., inordinate numbers of requests for computer support by individuals unaffiliated with SSU or the CSU System.
  • Any unauthorized usage of Library computing resources by individuals unaffiliated with SSU or the CSU System.


The University supports the right to freedom of thought, inquiry, and expression. With regard to library use of computers, the University Library adheres to the American Library Association's published Library Bill of Rights.

The library has no control over the information accessible on the Internet. Library workstations are not provided with "filtering" software that limits access to information. Library users access the Internet at their discretion. Parents or guardians, and not the library or its staff, are responsible for the Internet information accessed by their children.

Not all resources on the Internet provide reliable or current information. Links to those sites that librarians believe to be dependable and trustworthy are available on the library's web page. But no guarantee can be provided and linking to a site does not imply that the library has verified all information at that site.

By using the Library's electronic resources, users agree to assume personal responsibility for their appropriate use; agreeing to comply with University and Library computer policies, and with city, state, and federal laws and regulations.

Use of the University Library's computers is a privilege. The library reserves the right to deny access to users who have not complied with this Computer Use Policy.