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Melissa Chan

Melissa Chan

What is your favorite book, eBook, DVD, or music score?

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." 

Why did you choose this item to share with the library?

I chose this quote to share with the library because I believe we all are going through a hard time and we need to remember life is a journey so let's enjoy the ride.

What is your major?

My major is environmental science with a concentration in urban planning.

What was the most memorable/useful thing about working in the library?

The most useful thing about working at the library was being offered the time to work on homework. The most memorable thing about working at the library was attending the events in the art gallery for free wine. :P 

What advice would you give to incoming SSU students?

My advice to incoming SSU students would be to check out the Makerspace on the second floor! SSU's hidden gem in my opinion. 

What is next for you?

What's next for me? Life is a journey so who knows what's next for me.