Finley-McFarling Genealogy Collection

The Finley-McFarling Genealogy Collection contains over 900 citations to documents involving early Finley families in Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, and California along with a number of collateral lines. These documents, all in transcribed form and many with copies of the original documents, include deeds, court records, tax and census records, marriage and other vital records, as well as some extensive probate records, and abstracts taken from standard sources, correspondence, and other family history documentation..
This collection involves early Finley families in Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, and California along with a number of collateral lines. Researchers interested in Caldwell, Doak, Downing, Gillespie and Mounts may also find references of interest. There are also citations to many McFarling documents in Virginia, Ohio, and California. Collateral lines related to McFarling include Bancroft, McKnight, Fullerton, Hackney, Heald, Moore, Osten, and Senteney. German surnames related to both paternal and maternal lines include Loesch/Lesh/Lash, Stemple, Minnir/Minear, Pabst/Bobst, Bischoff/Bishoff, Wüll/Will, and Drach.

In addition to the formats mentioned already, the collection includes photographic family albums and other documents used in the analysis of problems found in tracing family members. In addition there are reprints of published research by Carmen J. Finley found in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, The Virginia Genealogist, the American Genealogist, Tennessee Ancestors, National Genealogical Society Computer Interest Group Digest, and Finley Findings, International. About 80% of this material is available online and all are available in hard copy form.
Researchers interested in early Finley records (1740-1800) in Virginia will find an abundance of material in Augusta County, but there are also other Virginia documents from Albemarle, Amhurst, Bedford, Botetourt, Fincastle, Montgomery, Prince Edward, Rockbridge, Washington, and Wythe Counties. Kentucky documents (1780-1815) include mainly Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, and Garrard Counties; Tennessee documents (1790-1830) include mainly Knox, Blount, and Jefferson Counties. An added feature is the ability to search on the subject "Slaves" to locate documents prior to the Civil War which include the names of slaves found in court and land records.
Visit the Carmen Finley papers in OnceSearch, the Library catalog.
The research material in the collection is available to view by appointment.

Other Resources
- Finding Aid Link: Finding Aid: Finley-McFarling Genealogy Collection
- Digital Collection Link: Finley-McFarling Website and Database
- Related Resource Link: Carmen Finley papers