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Jonathan Smith

Senior Director, Technology and Library Services




Schulz 2011A


  • Library Senior Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles
  • M.S.L.S., The Catholic University of America
  • B.A., California State University, Fresno
  • Ed.D. candidate, California State University, Fresno

Selected Publications & Presentations

Published Books

Smith, Jonathan M. Information Technology for Librarians and Information Professionals. Laham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2021.

Book Chapters

Smith, Jonathan M. and Rob Dumas. Tried and True Makerspace Tools and Technologies. In E. Kroski (Ed.), The Makerspace Librarian’s Sourcebook 2: Lessons Learned. Chicago: ALA Editions/Neal-Schuman, 2020.

Smith, Jonathan M. Arduino for Librarians. In E. Kroski (Ed.), The Makerspace Librarian’s Sourcebook (135-155). Chicago: ALA Editions/Neal-Schuman, 2017.

Selected Recent Conference Presentations

Early Student Success Course Participation tied to First-Generation Community College Student Persistence, with Thatcher Weldon, Shannon Pringle, and Manlia Wong at Central California Research Symposium, Fresno, CA, April 3, 2024.

Collaborate to Innovate: Library makerspaces across the California State University System, at Internet Librarian International, London, UK, October 16 - 17, 2018.

Building a Maker Community at Sonoma State University, with Carlos Ayala, Yi Jin, Sara Kassis, and Jeremy Qualls at CSU Maker Convening, Rohnert Park, CA, May 31 - June 1, 2018.

Makerspaces and Emerging Technologies, with Jenny Wong-Welch at CSU Library IT Summit, Chico, CA, July 31 - August 2, 2017.

Case Study of a Pilot Project to Digitize and Exhibit Cultural Artifacts, Electronic Resources and Libraries, Austin, TX, April 4-7, 2016.

Lessons Learned Establishing a Technology Makerspace, at Library Technology Conference, St. Paul, MN, March 16-17, 2016.

Year One of Making and Innovating in Two Academic Libraries, with Jenny Wong-Welch at Computers in Libraries Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., March 9, 2016.

Students Making and Innovating with Technology in an Academic Library, at Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information Science, Washington, D.C., February 12, 2016.

Recent Book Reviews

2022 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Hybrid encryption algorithms over wireless communication channels by Mai Helmy Ahmed Shaheen]. Choice, 59(6).

2021 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Introduction to IoT with Machine Learning and Image Processing using Raspberry Pi by Shrirang Ambaji Kulkarni, Varadraj P. Gurupur and Steven L. Fernandes]. Choice, 59(3).

2020 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Ambient Play by Larissa Hjorth]. Choice, 58(6).

2020 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book 3D Printing: An Introduction by Stephanie Torta and Jonathan Torta]. Choice. 57(7).

2018 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Expanding your Raspberry Pi by Mark Edward Sooper]. Choice, 55(10).

2018 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Miracle Brew by Pete Brown]. Choice, 55(9).

2017 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Beginning artificial intelligence with the Raspberry Pi by Donal Norris]. Choice, 55(6).

2016 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Ctrl + Z: The Right to be Forgotten by Meg Leta Jones]. Choice, 54(1).

2016 Smith, J.M. [Review of the book Parables of the Posthuman: Digital realities, gaming, and the player experience by Jonathan Boulter]. Choice, 53(10).