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Student Newspaper Index

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Publication
Greater vaccine eligibility countered by chronic shortages Adams, Callie 10 Yes COVID-19, COVID-19 Pandemic, Vaccine, Vaccine Eligibility, Shortages, Chronic Shortages, California. 2020 Sonoma State Star
Re-entering society impacts those with social anxiety Fabbri, Casey 10 Yes COVID-19 pandemic, Social isolation, Zoom, Zoom calls, Social anxiety, New normal, Post-pandemic life, Social interaction. 2020 Sonoma State Star
Sonoma County organizations working to vaccine the homeless Spence, Vincent 11 Yes Sonoma County, Sonoma County Organizations, Vaccines, Vaccinations, Homeless, Vaccinate. 2020 Sonoma State Star
Asian hate crime rates increase; activists fight back Sonoma Star Staff 12 Yes Asian hate crimes, Artists, Artwork, Photography, Protests on hate crimes, hate crimes, Covid-19 pandemic. 2020 Sonoma State Star
Sonoma residents seek vaccinations for homeless Sonoma Star Staff 12 Yes Sonoma County, Sonoma County Organizations, Homeless, Homeless encampments, Vaccinations, Photography. 2020 Sonoma State Star