Ellie sums up fall semester |
Riddell, Ellie |
2 |
No |
student media, |
1960 |
Sonoman |
New elections set for March |
2 |
No |
elections, |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Mr. Robert Bess is appointed SSU admission Dean |
2 |
No |
Bess, Robert, |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Blood Banking Looked Into By Students’ Board |
2 |
No |
Blood bank, AS Board of Directors |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Dean of Students Bulletin lists fall ‘61 characteristics |
3 |
No |
students, enrollments |
1960 |
Sonoman |
December 15 Christmas dinner-dance acclaimed “highly successful” event; to be a Sonoma state’s institution |
3 |
No |
entertainment |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Communist encirclement SSC-SRJC film discussion well received by audience |
2 |
No |
communism, movies |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Associated students proxy makes election comments |
Riddell, Ellie |
2 |
No |
Associated Students (A.S.), elections |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Faculty sketches: Dr. Richard Madden is highly regarded by fellow educators |
2 |
No |
Madden, Richard, |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Credential program students urged to read Venn article |
2 |
No |
Venn, Kenneth, education department |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Report on USSR R. Mon. noon feature |
2 |
No |
Bishop, Robert L. , lecture |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Graduate interns picked by college for placements |
3 |
No |
sports, education department |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Jewelry by Dr. Wright Putney highlights library exhibition |
3 |
No |
Putney, Wright W., Dr., Exhibits |
1960 |
Sonoman |
June planners now at work |
4 |
No |
Commencement, |
1960 |
Sonoman |
SSU alumni-cabinet |
4 |
No |
Alumni Association, |
1960 |
Sonoman |
College banner on exhibition |
4 |
No |
Flags, |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Dumke appointed Calif. state college system chancellor |
1 |
No |
CSU, Capbern, Martial A. |
1960 |
Sonoman |
State college trustees approve SSC’s master construction plan |
1 |
Yes |
CSU, Master Construction Plan |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Student election petitions available for Fall offices |
1 |
No |
elections, AS |
1960 |
Sonoman |
Spring graduation plans announced |
1 |
No |
Commencement |
1960 |
Sonoman |